Organisation View
Selecting the burger menu in the right top corner of the Glue Web screen reveals a dropdown menu where you can choose to add a login code or to log out from Glue Web. Organisation users and admins can also choose the Organisation view to manage or view the Organisation details.
The Organisation view is only visible to users and admins. Guest users have no access to it.
Please note that if you are a user of multiple Organisations, simply click on the active Team name at the top left corner of the main view to reveal the view to “My Teams”. From there, selecting the Organisation name will reveal a list of all the Organisations you have access to. You can then easily choose the right Organisation from the list. Selecting one of the Teams in that Org and then clicking the screen outside the listing will make your selection active.
Teams in the Organisation view
Selecting “Teams” In the Organisation view gives you the listing of the private Teams that you are a member of, and all the public Teams in your organisation. You can either join or leave any public Team by selecting the hamburger menu in the Team listing.
Users in the organisation view
Selecting “users” in the Organisation view gives you a listing of the current users in your Organisation. The view also contains a search field that allows you to make a search to ensure if someone already is a user in your organisation.