User Roles
Within the Organization, there are three roles: Organization admin, Organization user, and Organization guest user. Each role has its own set of rights and restrictions within the Organization, and all users can be a member of one or more Teams within the Organization. If a Team member is not a Guest user, they may also have Team admin privileges.
Org admin
Can see the Organisation view, its users, and all Teams
Can create and delete new Teams in the Organisation
Can invite and remove users in the Organisation
Can assign a user role for the users in the Organisation
Can rename Teams and change the private/open modes of any Team
Can add members to any Team.
Can have the Team admin privileges in the Teams that are a member of.
Can add or remove Team admin privileges of the Team members (not if the member is a Guest user in the Organisation)
Learn more about the Org admin´s role in our Knowledge base article Organization Admin Tools.
Org user
Can see the Organisation view, its users, and all open Teams
Can join open Teams and leave any Team they are members of.
Can have the Team admin privileges in Teams they are members of.
Guest user
Can join only the Teams they are invited to.
Can not be a Team admin
Has no access to the Organisation view, can not view or join any public Team or see the list of the Organisation´s users.
Can see in the Team files listing of only files added by him/herself.
All users in an Organisation can be members of the organization's Teams. All Team members have access to the Team's spaces and files. Guest users' access to Team files is limited to files added by him/herself. Organization admins and users can also be Team admins in the Teams they are members of.
Team member
Any of the user roles can be a member of a Team in an Organisation.
Has access to the Team files (Guest user only sees a listing of the files added by himself).
Has access to the Team spaces
Can have Team admin privileges.
Team admin
A Team admin is a Team member with privileges to administrate the Team members and spaces.
Organization admins and users can have Team admin privileges.
Can add or remove Organisation admins, users, and Guest users as members of the Team.
Can invite new users in the Team outside the Organisation. The invitees will be Guest users in the Organisation once they accept the invitation to the Team.
Can add or remove the Team admin privileges for Team members (can not, if the member is a Guest user in the Organisation)
Can add and delete Spaces in the Team
Has access to the Team files and sees both public and private files
Has access to the Team spaces
Learn more about the Team admin´s role in our Knowledge base article Team Admin Tools.