Team Space
In Glue, all collaboration takes place within a virtual space. This is the key differentiating factor when compared to traditional communications software. In audio or video calling systems, meetings are dimensionless and transient. Glue provides virtual spaces in which teams collaborate. The spaces are also persistent - meaning that if they are not intentionally reset - you and your Team can continue working on your project whenever convenient. All the assets that you created or imported in Glue space will wait for you there.
These spaces are immersive 3D environments that can either be selected from a library provided by our in-house art team or which can be custom-built specifically to your needs. When we place people together in a virtual room, what they see and hear as well as what they can touch and manipulate combine to elicit the feeling that they are there with others even when there is great physical distance between them. This promotes high-quality interactions through which people can effectively co-create, learn, or plan.
In Glue Web you can find the selection of virtual spaces linked to the Teams that you are a member of. Team Admins can also reset, remove or add spaces to the Team in there.