What can I do if I hear an echo of my voice?
When audio feedback, also known as echoing, occurs, it is due to a session participant's microphone picking up their output audio from the loudspeaker. This results in others hearing an annoying echo of their voice. Unfortunately, you cannot fix this echo yourself, as it is caused by another participant in the session.
The person causing the echo can be identified by monitoring the nametags of participants – When you hear an echo of your voice and someone's nametag lights up green simultaneously when you speak but the person is silent, it is most likely because the participant's microphone is picking up your voice from the session audio, and Glue is playing it back to you through your loudspeakers.
To resolve this issue, kindly ask the participant to prevent their microphone from picking up the session audio.
In desktop mode, this issue often occurs when using a computer's built-in mic and loudspeakers. To avoid this problem, it is best to use a high-quality pair of headphones with a microphone. Note that some Bluetooth headphones with a mic may also cause audio issues in Glue. This is usually due to the device signal processing conflicting with the Glue signal processing.
For VR devices, lowering the loudspeaker level can help reduce echoing.