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Team Admin Tools

Team members may have Team admin privileges if they are not Guest users in the Organisation. The Organisation admin can allow the privileges to a member of a Team. The Team admin privileges consist of the ability to administrate the spaces & teams.

Teams View

Selecting the Team name in the top left corner of the main view in Glue Web reveals the view to “My Teams”. Select the right Team from there, and click the screen outside the listing to make your selection active.

Organisation Admin Tools

Selecting the burger menu in the right top corner of the Glue Web screen reveals a dropdown menu where you can choose to add a login code or to log out from Glue Web. Organisation users and admins can also choose the Organisation view to manage or view the Organisation details.

Organisation View

Selecting the burger menu in the right top corner of the Glue Web screen reveals a dropdown menu where you can choose to add a login code or to log out from Glue Web. Organisation users and admins can also choose the Organisation view to manage or view the Organisation details.